



class KeyValueGroupedDataset[K, V] extends Serializable

A Dataset has been logically grouped by a user specified grouping key. Users should not construct a KeyValueGroupedDataset directly, but should instead call groupByKey on an existing Dataset.



Linear Supertypes
Serializable, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. KeyValueGroupedDataset
  2. Serializable
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. def agg[U1, U2, U3, U4, U5, U6, U7, U8](col1: TypedColumn[V, U1], col2: TypedColumn[V, U2], col3: TypedColumn[V, U3], col4: TypedColumn[V, U4], col5: TypedColumn[V, U5], col6: TypedColumn[V, U6], col7: TypedColumn[V, U7], col8: TypedColumn[V, U8]): Dataset[(K, U1, U2, U3, U4, U5, U6, U7, U8)]

    Computes the given aggregations, returning a Dataset of tuples for each unique key and the result of computing these aggregations over all elements in the group.

    Computes the given aggregations, returning a Dataset of tuples for each unique key and the result of computing these aggregations over all elements in the group.



  5. def agg[U1, U2, U3, U4, U5, U6, U7](col1: TypedColumn[V, U1], col2: TypedColumn[V, U2], col3: TypedColumn[V, U3], col4: TypedColumn[V, U4], col5: TypedColumn[V, U5], col6: TypedColumn[V, U6], col7: TypedColumn[V, U7]): Dataset[(K, U1, U2, U3, U4, U5, U6, U7)]

    Computes the given aggregations, returning a Dataset of tuples for each unique key and the result of computing these aggregations over all elements in the group.

    Computes the given aggregations, returning a Dataset of tuples for each unique key and the result of computing these aggregations over all elements in the group.



  6. def agg[U1, U2, U3, U4, U5, U6](col1: TypedColumn[V, U1], col2: TypedColumn[V, U2], col3: TypedColumn[V, U3], col4: TypedColumn[V, U4], col5: TypedColumn[V, U5], col6: TypedColumn[V, U6]): Dataset[(K, U1, U2, U3, U4, U5, U6)]

    Computes the given aggregations, returning a Dataset of tuples for each unique key and the result of computing these aggregations over all elements in the group.

    Computes the given aggregations, returning a Dataset of tuples for each unique key and the result of computing these aggregations over all elements in the group.



  7. def agg[U1, U2, U3, U4, U5](col1: TypedColumn[V, U1], col2: TypedColumn[V, U2], col3: TypedColumn[V, U3], col4: TypedColumn[V, U4], col5: TypedColumn[V, U5]): Dataset[(K, U1, U2, U3, U4, U5)]

    Computes the given aggregations, returning a Dataset of tuples for each unique key and the result of computing these aggregations over all elements in the group.

    Computes the given aggregations, returning a Dataset of tuples for each unique key and the result of computing these aggregations over all elements in the group.



  8. def agg[U1, U2, U3, U4](col1: TypedColumn[V, U1], col2: TypedColumn[V, U2], col3: TypedColumn[V, U3], col4: TypedColumn[V, U4]): Dataset[(K, U1, U2, U3, U4)]

    Computes the given aggregations, returning a Dataset of tuples for each unique key and the result of computing these aggregations over all elements in the group.

    Computes the given aggregations, returning a Dataset of tuples for each unique key and the result of computing these aggregations over all elements in the group.



  9. def agg[U1, U2, U3](col1: TypedColumn[V, U1], col2: TypedColumn[V, U2], col3: TypedColumn[V, U3]): Dataset[(K, U1, U2, U3)]

    Computes the given aggregations, returning a Dataset of tuples for each unique key and the result of computing these aggregations over all elements in the group.

    Computes the given aggregations, returning a Dataset of tuples for each unique key and the result of computing these aggregations over all elements in the group.



  10. def agg[U1, U2](col1: TypedColumn[V, U1], col2: TypedColumn[V, U2]): Dataset[(K, U1, U2)]

    Computes the given aggregations, returning a Dataset of tuples for each unique key and the result of computing these aggregations over all elements in the group.

    Computes the given aggregations, returning a Dataset of tuples for each unique key and the result of computing these aggregations over all elements in the group.



  11. def agg[U1](col1: TypedColumn[V, U1]): Dataset[(K, U1)]

    Computes the given aggregation, returning a Dataset of tuples for each unique key and the result of computing this aggregation over all elements in the group.

    Computes the given aggregation, returning a Dataset of tuples for each unique key and the result of computing this aggregation over all elements in the group.



  12. def aggUntyped(columns: TypedColumn[_, _]*): Dataset[_]

    Internal helper function for building typed aggregations that return tuples.

    Internal helper function for building typed aggregations that return tuples. For simplicity and code reuse, we do this without the help of the type system and then use helper functions that cast appropriately for the user facing interface.

  13. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  14. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @IntrinsicCandidate() @native()
  15. def cogroup[U, R](other: KeyValueGroupedDataset[K, U], f: CoGroupFunction[K, V, U, R], encoder: Encoder[R]): Dataset[R]

    (Java-specific) Applies the given function to each cogrouped data.

    (Java-specific) Applies the given function to each cogrouped data. For each unique group, the function will be passed the grouping key and 2 iterators containing all elements in the group from Dataset this and other. The function can return an iterator containing elements of an arbitrary type which will be returned as a new Dataset.



  16. def cogroup[U, R](other: KeyValueGroupedDataset[K, U])(f: (K, Iterator[V], Iterator[U]) => IterableOnce[R])(implicit arg0: Encoder[R]): Dataset[R]

    (Scala-specific) Applies the given function to each cogrouped data.

    (Scala-specific) Applies the given function to each cogrouped data. For each unique group, the function will be passed the grouping key and 2 iterators containing all elements in the group from Dataset this and other. The function can return an iterator containing elements of an arbitrary type which will be returned as a new Dataset.



  17. def cogroupSorted[U, R](other: KeyValueGroupedDataset[K, U], thisSortExprs: Array[Column], otherSortExprs: Array[Column], f: CoGroupFunction[K, V, U, R], encoder: Encoder[R]): Dataset[R]

    (Java-specific) Applies the given function to each sorted cogrouped data.

    (Java-specific) Applies the given function to each sorted cogrouped data. For each unique group, the function will be passed the grouping key and 2 sorted iterators containing all elements in the group from Dataset this and other. The function can return an iterator containing elements of an arbitrary type which will be returned as a new Dataset.

    This is equivalent to KeyValueGroupedDataset#cogroup, except for the iterators to be sorted according to the given sort expressions. That sorting does not add computational complexity.



    See also


  18. def cogroupSorted[U, R](other: KeyValueGroupedDataset[K, U])(thisSortExprs: Column*)(otherSortExprs: Column*)(f: (K, Iterator[V], Iterator[U]) => IterableOnce[R])(implicit arg0: Encoder[R]): Dataset[R]

    (Scala-specific) Applies the given function to each sorted cogrouped data.

    (Scala-specific) Applies the given function to each sorted cogrouped data. For each unique group, the function will be passed the grouping key and 2 sorted iterators containing all elements in the group from Dataset this and other. The function can return an iterator containing elements of an arbitrary type which will be returned as a new Dataset.

    This is equivalent to KeyValueGroupedDataset#cogroup, except for the iterators to be sorted according to the given sort expressions. That sorting does not add computational complexity.



    See also


  19. def count(): Dataset[(K, Long)]

    Returns a Dataset that contains a tuple with each key and the number of items present for that key.

    Returns a Dataset that contains a tuple with each key and the number of items present for that key.



  20. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  21. def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  22. def flatMapGroups[U](f: FlatMapGroupsFunction[K, V, U], encoder: Encoder[U]): Dataset[U]

    (Java-specific) Applies the given function to each group of data.

    (Java-specific) Applies the given function to each group of data. For each unique group, the function will be passed the group key and an iterator that contains all of the elements in the group. The function can return an iterator containing elements of an arbitrary type which will be returned as a new Dataset.

    This function does not support partial aggregation, and as a result requires shuffling all the data in the Dataset. If an application intends to perform an aggregation over each key, it is best to use the reduce function or an org.apache.spark.sql.expressions#Aggregator.

    Internally, the implementation will spill to disk if any given group is too large to fit into memory. However, users must take care to avoid materializing the whole iterator for a group (for example, by calling toList) unless they are sure that this is possible given the memory constraints of their cluster.



  23. def flatMapGroups[U](f: (K, Iterator[V]) => IterableOnce[U])(implicit arg0: Encoder[U]): Dataset[U]

    (Scala-specific) Applies the given function to each group of data.

    (Scala-specific) Applies the given function to each group of data. For each unique group, the function will be passed the group key and an iterator that contains all of the elements in the group. The function can return an iterator containing elements of an arbitrary type which will be returned as a new Dataset.

    This function does not support partial aggregation, and as a result requires shuffling all the data in the Dataset. If an application intends to perform an aggregation over each key, it is best to use the reduce function or an org.apache.spark.sql.expressions#Aggregator.

    Internally, the implementation will spill to disk if any given group is too large to fit into memory. However, users must take care to avoid materializing the whole iterator for a group (for example, by calling toList) unless they are sure that this is possible given the memory constraints of their cluster.



  24. def flatMapGroupsWithState[S, U](func: FlatMapGroupsWithStateFunction[K, V, S, U], outputMode: OutputMode, stateEncoder: Encoder[S], outputEncoder: Encoder[U], timeoutConf: GroupStateTimeout, initialState: KeyValueGroupedDataset[K, S]): Dataset[U]

    (Java-specific) Applies the given function to each group of data, while maintaining a user-defined per-group state.

    (Java-specific) Applies the given function to each group of data, while maintaining a user-defined per-group state. The result Dataset will represent the objects returned by the function. For a static batch Dataset, the function will be invoked once per group. For a streaming Dataset, the function will be invoked for each group repeatedly in every trigger, and updates to each group's state will be saved across invocations. See GroupState for more details.


    The type of the user-defined state. Must be encodable to Spark SQL types.


    The type of the output objects. Must be encodable to Spark SQL types.


    Function to be called on every group.


    The output mode of the function.


    Encoder for the state type.


    Encoder for the output type.


    Timeout configuration for groups that do not receive data for a while.


    The user provided state that will be initialized when the first batch of data is processed in the streaming query. The user defined function will be called on the state data even if there are no other values in the group. To covert a Dataset ds of type of type Dataset[(K, S)] to a KeyValueGroupedDataset[K, S], use

    ds.groupByKey(x => x._1).mapValues(_._2)

    See Encoder for more details on what types are encodable to Spark SQL.



  25. def flatMapGroupsWithState[S, U](func: FlatMapGroupsWithStateFunction[K, V, S, U], outputMode: OutputMode, stateEncoder: Encoder[S], outputEncoder: Encoder[U], timeoutConf: GroupStateTimeout): Dataset[U]

    (Java-specific) Applies the given function to each group of data, while maintaining a user-defined per-group state.

    (Java-specific) Applies the given function to each group of data, while maintaining a user-defined per-group state. The result Dataset will represent the objects returned by the function. For a static batch Dataset, the function will be invoked once per group. For a streaming Dataset, the function will be invoked for each group repeatedly in every trigger, and updates to each group's state will be saved across invocations. See GroupState for more details.


    The type of the user-defined state. Must be encodable to Spark SQL types.


    The type of the output objects. Must be encodable to Spark SQL types.


    Function to be called on every group.


    The output mode of the function.


    Encoder for the state type.


    Encoder for the output type.


    Timeout configuration for groups that do not receive data for a while. See Encoder for more details on what types are encodable to Spark SQL.



  26. def flatMapGroupsWithState[S, U](outputMode: OutputMode, timeoutConf: GroupStateTimeout, initialState: KeyValueGroupedDataset[K, S])(func: (K, Iterator[V], GroupState[S]) => Iterator[U])(implicit arg0: Encoder[S], arg1: Encoder[U]): Dataset[U]

    (Scala-specific) Applies the given function to each group of data, while maintaining a user-defined per-group state.

    (Scala-specific) Applies the given function to each group of data, while maintaining a user-defined per-group state. The result Dataset will represent the objects returned by the function. For a static batch Dataset, the function will be invoked once per group. For a streaming Dataset, the function will be invoked for each group repeatedly in every trigger, and updates to each group's state will be saved across invocations. See GroupState for more details.


    The type of the user-defined state. Must be encodable to Spark SQL types.


    The type of the output objects. Must be encodable to Spark SQL types.


    The output mode of the function.


    Timeout configuration for groups that do not receive data for a while.


    The user provided state that will be initialized when the first batch of data is processed in the streaming query. The user defined function will be called on the state data even if there are no other values in the group. To covert a Dataset ds of type of type Dataset[(K, S)] to a KeyValueGroupedDataset[K, S], use

    ds.groupByKey(x => x._1).mapValues(_._2)

    See Encoder for more details on what types are encodable to Spark SQL.


    Function to be called on every group.



  27. def flatMapGroupsWithState[S, U](outputMode: OutputMode, timeoutConf: GroupStateTimeout)(func: (K, Iterator[V], GroupState[S]) => Iterator[U])(implicit arg0: Encoder[S], arg1: Encoder[U]): Dataset[U]

    (Scala-specific) Applies the given function to each group of data, while maintaining a user-defined per-group state.

    (Scala-specific) Applies the given function to each group of data, while maintaining a user-defined per-group state. The result Dataset will represent the objects returned by the function. For a static batch Dataset, the function will be invoked once per group. For a streaming Dataset, the function will be invoked for each group repeatedly in every trigger, and updates to each group's state will be saved across invocations. See GroupState for more details.


    The type of the user-defined state. Must be encodable to Spark SQL types.


    The type of the output objects. Must be encodable to Spark SQL types.


    The output mode of the function.


    Timeout configuration for groups that do not receive data for a while. See Encoder for more details on what types are encodable to Spark SQL.


    Function to be called on every group.



  28. def flatMapSortedGroups[U](SortExprs: Array[Column], f: FlatMapGroupsFunction[K, V, U], encoder: Encoder[U]): Dataset[U]

    (Java-specific) Applies the given function to each group of data.

    (Java-specific) Applies the given function to each group of data. For each unique group, the function will be passed the group key and a sorted iterator that contains all of the elements in the group. The function can return an iterator containing elements of an arbitrary type which will be returned as a new Dataset.

    This function does not support partial aggregation, and as a result requires shuffling all the data in the Dataset. If an application intends to perform an aggregation over each key, it is best to use the reduce function or an org.apache.spark.sql.expressions#Aggregator.

    Internally, the implementation will spill to disk if any given group is too large to fit into memory. However, users must take care to avoid materializing the whole iterator for a group (for example, by calling toList) unless they are sure that this is possible given the memory constraints of their cluster.

    This is equivalent to KeyValueGroupedDataset#flatMapGroups, except for the iterator to be sorted according to the given sort expressions. That sorting does not add computational complexity.



    See also


  29. def flatMapSortedGroups[U](sortExprs: Column*)(f: (K, Iterator[V]) => IterableOnce[U])(implicit arg0: Encoder[U]): Dataset[U]

    (Scala-specific) Applies the given function to each group of data.

    (Scala-specific) Applies the given function to each group of data. For each unique group, the function will be passed the group key and a sorted iterator that contains all of the elements in the group. The function can return an iterator containing elements of an arbitrary type which will be returned as a new Dataset.

    This function does not support partial aggregation, and as a result requires shuffling all the data in the Dataset. If an application intends to perform an aggregation over each key, it is best to use the reduce function or an org.apache.spark.sql.expressions#Aggregator.

    Internally, the implementation will spill to disk if any given group is too large to fit into memory. However, users must take care to avoid materializing the whole iterator for a group (for example, by calling toList) unless they are sure that this is possible given the memory constraints of their cluster.

    This is equivalent to KeyValueGroupedDataset#flatMapGroups, except for the iterator to be sorted according to the given sort expressions. That sorting does not add computational complexity.



    See also


  30. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
    @IntrinsicCandidate() @native()
  31. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
    @IntrinsicCandidate() @native()
  32. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  33. def keyAs[L](implicit arg0: Encoder[L]): KeyValueGroupedDataset[L, V]

    Returns a new KeyValueGroupedDataset where the type of the key has been mapped to the specified type.

    Returns a new KeyValueGroupedDataset where the type of the key has been mapped to the specified type. The mapping of key columns to the type follows the same rules as as on Dataset.



  34. def keys: Dataset[K]

    Returns a Dataset that contains each unique key.

    Returns a Dataset that contains each unique key. This is equivalent to doing mapping over the Dataset to extract the keys and then running a distinct operation on those.



  35. def mapGroups[U](f: MapGroupsFunction[K, V, U], encoder: Encoder[U]): Dataset[U]

    (Java-specific) Applies the given function to each group of data.

    (Java-specific) Applies the given function to each group of data. For each unique group, the function will be passed the group key and an iterator that contains all of the elements in the group. The function can return an element of arbitrary type which will be returned as a new Dataset.

    This function does not support partial aggregation, and as a result requires shuffling all the data in the Dataset. If an application intends to perform an aggregation over each key, it is best to use the reduce function or an org.apache.spark.sql.expressions#Aggregator.

    Internally, the implementation will spill to disk if any given group is too large to fit into memory. However, users must take care to avoid materializing the whole iterator for a group (for example, by calling toList) unless they are sure that this is possible given the memory constraints of their cluster.



  36. def mapGroups[U](f: (K, Iterator[V]) => U)(implicit arg0: Encoder[U]): Dataset[U]

    (Scala-specific) Applies the given function to each group of data.

    (Scala-specific) Applies the given function to each group of data. For each unique group, the function will be passed the group key and an iterator that contains all of the elements in the group. The function can return an element of arbitrary type which will be returned as a new Dataset.

    This function does not support partial aggregation, and as a result requires shuffling all the data in the Dataset. If an application intends to perform an aggregation over each key, it is best to use the reduce function or an org.apache.spark.sql.expressions#Aggregator.

    Internally, the implementation will spill to disk if any given group is too large to fit into memory. However, users must take care to avoid materializing the whole iterator for a group (for example, by calling toList) unless they are sure that this is possible given the memory constraints of their cluster.



  37. def mapGroupsWithState[S, U](func: MapGroupsWithStateFunction[K, V, S, U], stateEncoder: Encoder[S], outputEncoder: Encoder[U], timeoutConf: GroupStateTimeout, initialState: KeyValueGroupedDataset[K, S]): Dataset[U]

    (Java-specific) Applies the given function to each group of data, while maintaining a user-defined per-group state.

    (Java-specific) Applies the given function to each group of data, while maintaining a user-defined per-group state. The result Dataset will represent the objects returned by the function. For a static batch Dataset, the function will be invoked once per group. For a streaming Dataset, the function will be invoked for each group repeatedly in every trigger, and updates to each group's state will be saved across invocations. See GroupState for more details.


    The type of the user-defined state. Must be encodable to Spark SQL types.


    The type of the output objects. Must be encodable to Spark SQL types.


    Function to be called on every group.


    Encoder for the state type.


    Encoder for the output type.


    Timeout configuration for groups that do not receive data for a while.


    The user provided state that will be initialized when the first batch of data is processed in the streaming query. The user defined function will be called on the state data even if there are no other values in the group. See Encoder for more details on what types are encodable to Spark SQL.



  38. def mapGroupsWithState[S, U](func: MapGroupsWithStateFunction[K, V, S, U], stateEncoder: Encoder[S], outputEncoder: Encoder[U], timeoutConf: GroupStateTimeout): Dataset[U]

    (Java-specific) Applies the given function to each group of data, while maintaining a user-defined per-group state.

    (Java-specific) Applies the given function to each group of data, while maintaining a user-defined per-group state. The result Dataset will represent the objects returned by the function. For a static batch Dataset, the function will be invoked once per group. For a streaming Dataset, the function will be invoked for each group repeatedly in every trigger, and updates to each group's state will be saved across invocations. See GroupState for more details.


    The type of the user-defined state. Must be encodable to Spark SQL types.


    The type of the output objects. Must be encodable to Spark SQL types.


    Function to be called on every group.


    Encoder for the state type.


    Encoder for the output type.


    Timeout configuration for groups that do not receive data for a while. See Encoder for more details on what types are encodable to Spark SQL.



  39. def mapGroupsWithState[S, U](func: MapGroupsWithStateFunction[K, V, S, U], stateEncoder: Encoder[S], outputEncoder: Encoder[U]): Dataset[U]

    (Java-specific) Applies the given function to each group of data, while maintaining a user-defined per-group state.

    (Java-specific) Applies the given function to each group of data, while maintaining a user-defined per-group state. The result Dataset will represent the objects returned by the function. For a static batch Dataset, the function will be invoked once per group. For a streaming Dataset, the function will be invoked for each group repeatedly in every trigger, and updates to each group's state will be saved across invocations. See GroupState for more details.


    The type of the user-defined state. Must be encodable to Spark SQL types.


    The type of the output objects. Must be encodable to Spark SQL types.


    Function to be called on every group.


    Encoder for the state type.


    Encoder for the output type. See Encoder for more details on what types are encodable to Spark SQL.



  40. def mapGroupsWithState[S, U](timeoutConf: GroupStateTimeout, initialState: KeyValueGroupedDataset[K, S])(func: (K, Iterator[V], GroupState[S]) => U)(implicit arg0: Encoder[S], arg1: Encoder[U]): Dataset[U]

    (Scala-specific) Applies the given function to each group of data, while maintaining a user-defined per-group state.

    (Scala-specific) Applies the given function to each group of data, while maintaining a user-defined per-group state. The result Dataset will represent the objects returned by the function. For a static batch Dataset, the function will be invoked once per group. For a streaming Dataset, the function will be invoked for each group repeatedly in every trigger, and updates to each group's state will be saved across invocations. See org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.GroupState for more details.


    The type of the user-defined state. Must be encodable to Spark SQL types.


    The type of the output objects. Must be encodable to Spark SQL types.


    Timeout Conf, see GroupStateTimeout for more details


    The user provided state that will be initialized when the first batch of data is processed in the streaming query. The user defined function will be called on the state data even if there are no other values in the group. To convert a Dataset ds of type Dataset[(K, S)] to a KeyValueGroupedDataset[K, S] do

    ds.groupByKey(x => x._1).mapValues(_._2)

    See Encoder for more details on what types are encodable to Spark SQL.


    Function to be called on every group.



  41. def mapGroupsWithState[S, U](timeoutConf: GroupStateTimeout)(func: (K, Iterator[V], GroupState[S]) => U)(implicit arg0: Encoder[S], arg1: Encoder[U]): Dataset[U]

    (Scala-specific) Applies the given function to each group of data, while maintaining a user-defined per-group state.

    (Scala-specific) Applies the given function to each group of data, while maintaining a user-defined per-group state. The result Dataset will represent the objects returned by the function. For a static batch Dataset, the function will be invoked once per group. For a streaming Dataset, the function will be invoked for each group repeatedly in every trigger, and updates to each group's state will be saved across invocations. See org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.GroupState for more details.


    The type of the user-defined state. Must be encodable to Spark SQL types.


    The type of the output objects. Must be encodable to Spark SQL types.


    Timeout configuration for groups that do not receive data for a while. See Encoder for more details on what types are encodable to Spark SQL.


    Function to be called on every group.



  42. def mapGroupsWithState[S, U](func: (K, Iterator[V], GroupState[S]) => U)(implicit arg0: Encoder[S], arg1: Encoder[U]): Dataset[U]

    (Scala-specific) Applies the given function to each group of data, while maintaining a user-defined per-group state.

    (Scala-specific) Applies the given function to each group of data, while maintaining a user-defined per-group state. The result Dataset will represent the objects returned by the function. For a static batch Dataset, the function will be invoked once per group. For a streaming Dataset, the function will be invoked for each group repeatedly in every trigger, and updates to each group's state will be saved across invocations. See org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.GroupState for more details.


    The type of the user-defined state. Must be encodable to Spark SQL types.


    The type of the output objects. Must be encodable to Spark SQL types.


    Function to be called on every group. See Encoder for more details on what types are encodable to Spark SQL.



  43. def mapValues[W](func: MapFunction[V, W], encoder: Encoder[W]): KeyValueGroupedDataset[K, W]

    Returns a new KeyValueGroupedDataset where the given function func has been applied to the data.

    Returns a new KeyValueGroupedDataset where the given function func has been applied to the data. The grouping key is unchanged by this.

    // Create Integer values grouped by String key from a Dataset<Tuple2<String, Integer>>
    Dataset<Tuple2<String, Integer>> ds = ...;
    KeyValueGroupedDataset<String, Integer> grouped =
      ds.groupByKey(t -> t._1, Encoders.STRING()).mapValues(t -> t._2, Encoders.INT());


  44. def mapValues[W](func: (V) => W)(implicit arg0: Encoder[W]): KeyValueGroupedDataset[K, W]

    Returns a new KeyValueGroupedDataset where the given function func has been applied to the data.

    Returns a new KeyValueGroupedDataset where the given function func has been applied to the data. The grouping key is unchanged by this.

    // Create values grouped by key from a Dataset[(K, V)]
    ds.groupByKey(_._1).mapValues(_._2) // Scala


  45. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  46. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @IntrinsicCandidate() @native()
  47. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @IntrinsicCandidate() @native()
  48. val queryExecution: QueryExecution
  49. def reduceGroups(f: ReduceFunction[V]): Dataset[(K, V)]

    (Java-specific) Reduces the elements of each group of data using the specified binary function.

    (Java-specific) Reduces the elements of each group of data using the specified binary function. The given function must be commutative and associative or the result may be non-deterministic.



  50. def reduceGroups(f: (V, V) => V): Dataset[(K, V)]

    (Scala-specific) Reduces the elements of each group of data using the specified binary function.

    (Scala-specific) Reduces the elements of each group of data using the specified binary function. The given function must be commutative and associative or the result may be non-deterministic.



  51. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  52. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    KeyValueGroupedDataset → AnyRef → Any
  53. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  54. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
  55. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.Throwable]) @Deprecated

    (Since version 9)

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
